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Help with DF-03 MS 4 years 6 months ago #57365

I've been hunting for a DF-03 MS chassis (84370) for some time but can't seem to find one anywhere, even on eBay. I finally found one at the German online shop Modellbau-Seidel but they will not ship to the USA. Is there anyone in Germany (or elsewhere in Europe) who can help me by being a shipping intermediary?

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Help with DF-03 MS 4 years 6 months ago #57368

I used to buy quite regularly from Seidel ... then they stopped shipping outside the EU, so Lars couldn't get anything sent to Norway, for example.

Then they started getting awkward about what they'd ship outside of Germany, anything electrical was excluded so I couldn't buy any car kits because of the motor.

Now their shipping options are DHL within Germany, pick it up yourself at their shop, or send your own courier to pick up. I can't imagine that last one works anywhere outside of Germany.

TL;DR - I can't help, but wanted to whine about it anyway ;)

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Last edit: by Jonny Retro.

Help with DF-03 MS 4 years 6 months ago #57375

I am usually the go-to guy for unreachable stuff from Germany ;)
Sure you want to spend all that on a DF03, the MS is a nice kit, but a friend of mine had a load of trouble on the gears.
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Help with DF-03 MS 4 years 6 months ago #57378

"Why would anyone spend that much on a "DF-03?" is a fair question. I already have a Dark Impact and an Avante MK II which use the DF-03 chassis. My problem is that I am a sucker for collecting complete sets. I'm trying to put together an MS display shelf and I already have the TT-02B MS and the DT-02 MS. The only thing missing is the DF-03 MS. I must have it.
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Help with DF-03 MS 4 years 6 months ago #57379

Problem solved. Thanks for the help.

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