

Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 1 month ago #9453

Fantastic buy if you ask me!!!
That TF Evo is one great car that's on my list too
am bussy restoring a normal Top Force atm myself.

Cheers, Bram
Restoring Countach 58005
Restoring 58015 RR
Restoring 58098 F40
Restoring King Cab and Monsterracer
Restoring Audi Quattro rally
Restoring Mk.1 Sand Scorcher
Restoring Porsche 936

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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 1 month ago #9457

My baby tap & die set just arrived - first pic includes a half-drunk mug of Bovril for scale ... aren't they sweet! :D


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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 1 month ago #9468

Great tool score, Jonny. Would love to have a set like that myself.

Waterbok, no spare J10 here... :(
Strangely enough two guys have been asking me about it the past day. :huh:

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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 3 weeks ago #9556

On the pictures in the internet it said Sauber C12 but as it turns out its not a 58130 but a 58105 a Williams F14 (F102 chassis).
Guess I could have done worse :cheer:
(already thought the manual I downloaded did not quit fit.)

got it cleaned, restored, not much missing only two screws and a new pinion.

Will take it for a spin and then it will be sold.

Tommorow its the Nissan/NSX turn to get back together.

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Last edit: by waterbok.

Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 3 weeks ago #9585

Contrary to the F103, not that many F102s were released... B)

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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 3 weeks ago #9610

Yey, I got one of those mini tap & die sets too (Maplin). They're actually fairly good quality, which surprised me for "Rolson" branded stuff. The only reason I bought mine was I thought it'd be handy to have a small set kicking about & was unphased by the brand as I only intended to be using it on soft materials (Although alarmed by the 40 quid price tag for a crappy brand).
Turns out the components are actually high speed steel (Tool steel), not that chocolate tungsten rubbish that the rest of these DIY kits tend to be. Been using mine on stainless with no problems so far!

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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 3 weeks ago #9623

My set came from eBay (which seems to be my automatic "go to" place now, I didn't even think of Maplin) for a little less... there's no labelling on the set itself, but it doesn't half look similar. Mine had a card sleeve around it, branded "TOOLZONE", but I'm not sure about the material - the sleeve describes mine as "HSS", and gives a "HSS6542" as the material.

I suspect that's just flim flam from the Hu Flung Poo ;) tool company (or whoever actually made them) to impress potential buyers - "ooh! it has a grade so it must be good" :whistle: , but those numbers don't really make a lot of sense under any grading system ...

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Last edit: by Jonny Retro. Reason: typo

Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 3 weeks ago #9636

I just stumbled on mine whilst looking for something else in the Maplin store & kinda assumed I'd payed over the odds for it cos all their stuff's expensive.
I would think it's come from the same place even if it hasn't got a maker's name on it, most do & get labelled Toolzone, Rolson, Blackspur, Silverline, Hilka or Sealey once they arrive here.
No doubt in my mind the material's HSS going by its performance with "difficult" materials. Haven't looked the number up though.
I usually use or Chronos Engineering for my cheap-but-capable tooling. Usually stick to well known high quality manufacturers (Dormer, Hall etc) for more important bits

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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 2 weeks ago #9862

Finally the parts of my TF came in so i can finally finish the restoration of it! Also my upgrades for the tamiya King Tiger arrived... :woohoo:

Restoring Countach 58005
Restoring 58015 RR
Restoring 58098 F40
Restoring King Cab and Monsterracer
Restoring Audi Quattro rally
Restoring Mk.1 Sand Scorcher
Restoring Porsche 936

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Look what the Mail man brought me ! 12 years 1 week ago #10054

I don't normally post in the "look what I got!" threads, but it was recently my birthday and I usually spend the weeks beforehand trying to nab a few items. And then I store them away until my actual birthday. So I thought you guys might find this amusing :P

This year, I was extremely lucky though and got hold of a few pretty rare items at once...



Blitzer Beetle - sealed NIB
Grasshopper - NIB
Supershot - NIB
Nichimo Lancia Stratos - NIB (just a few parts were assembled)
Rough Rider body set - NIB
Marui Hunter - about 75% NIB
Entex California Racing Buggy - sealed NIB
Spare parts - just some things I found via an old hobby shop (Supershot speed controls and so forth)

A really awesome birthday :P

H. - A nostalgia site about vintage and retro radio controlled cars & other toys, from Tamiya, Nikko, Kyosho, Radio Shack and many more.

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