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"Friends" 12 years 6 months ago #4472

I was going to reply to this post in the relevant thread, but as it's getting further & further away from LEDs I thought I'd start a new one ...


I saw I had a "connection request" from you, I've no idea what "connection requests" are all about, or what to do with it.

A "Connection Request" is a TB member asking you to be Friends (on TB) :)
When you are friends, you get easy access to PM'ing through "Your Profile", "Friends" tab, and you can use the new live Chat feature we are currently testing.

If you have missed a Connection request, you can go to "Your Profile" (link in top right corner) and then the "Friends" tab to accept pending connection requests.


"Friends" seems the latest in a long line of words changing definition ... I guess this has always happened, but the rate at which words are getting bastardised is accelerating, or maybe I'm just getting old.

I can probably be dated by what words mean to me - I'm too young to have ever used "gay" as a synonym for "happy", but old enough to remember when "PC" just meant "Police Constable", not "Personal Computer" and "Political Correctness" too.

I think it was a couple of years ago when I realised that "cruising", other than being verbal shorthand for "Handing over a wheelbarrow full of money in exchange for the opportunity to eat far too much in a place where the only difference from a hotel is the constant thrumming of engines and the sunsets being slightly different each night", is also used for "going to look at modified cars", "kerb crawling", and "going out on the prowl for casual gay sex" ... which led to unintentionally hilarious consequences once ;)

To me, "friends" are people I'd lend my tools to when their bike is broken, lend money to when they are concave (& "forget" to ever ask for it back), and put up for a few weeks if they need it ... and I have only a very, very few of them. Now it seems to mean "any muppet that can click a button on Facebook".

I've seen people Pile their way Higher & Deeper to qualifications further than I got with purely descriptive works on very minor points of dialect ... seriously, you know the point at which the guy that did the voiceovers on the Tamiya USA promos went from saying "Ta-mi-ya" (equal emphasis on all three syllables) to "Ta-MEE-ya" (emphasis & elongation on the second syllable)? That reflected a change in pronounciation in the USA as a whole, and a significant deviation away from standard English - one that if I'd stayed in that field, I could have milked for another whole 3-4 years in school.

I think if there's a point to all this, it's that my painkillers don't work, but the sedatives kick in very nicely after 3 to 4 hours ... I better go to bed before I lose it completely :)

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Re: "Friends" 12 years 6 months ago #4473

The drugs dont work, they just make it worse, but i know i will see my Hopper again" tomorrow.
the Verve, edited and copyrighted by me lol :silly:

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Re: "Friends" 12 years 6 months ago #4474

That's fantastic Jonny, If I showed that to the guys at work, they'd swear I'd written it! Maybe I can ask you what "PM"ing is? I could try & guess but I suspect the cringy feeling means I might be on the wrong subect...

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Re: "Friends" 12 years 6 months ago #4477

"PM": Post Meridian, past the middle of the day, i.e. the afternoon

-or- a news/current affairs programme on Radio 4

-or- Personal (or Private) Message - a function supported by most forums (in the case of Tamiyabase, click on someone's name next to one of their posts, then hover over the messages button and select "send private message" ... a very useful way of sharing text information that may be against the rules, for example, imagine a site that didn't allow links to any live eBay auctions, or discussion of any materiels that had even the slightest whiff of copyright about it :whistle: ... if someone asked for such a link, I could send it by "PM" rather than posting it publicly, and thereby avoid the ire (or possibly even the wrath) of the moderators.


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Re: "Friends" 12 years 6 months ago #4478

IM on the other hand ... just as when Marx claimed that religion was the opiate of the masses, that was just because television hadn't been invented, when Young penned the quote "Procrastination is the thief of time" Instant Messaging hadn't been invented - that'll suck the time time right out of your evening :sick:

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Re: "Friends" 12 years 6 months ago #4484

Like Shawn says in the series Psych :


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