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Re: Grasshopper basketcase rebuild 11 years 5 months ago #16133

Looks good :y:

I must have missed your plea for bits though - I could have let you have a 380 motor & pinion, Pajero wheelie gearbox halves & diff :(

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Re: Grasshopper basketcase rebuild 11 years 5 months ago #16134

... missed your plea for bits ...

Same here, got a whole box full of Hopper bits that would've been at your disposal. ;)
A decent gearbox would have been no problem. Besides the fact they don't fit through the mailbox...

Edit - I might be interested in your Hornet bits btw, could you let me know what ya got exactly? :)
Couple of shocks I think I saw... the damper shaft's a bit crooked on one I'm currently using.
Tips on how to fix that are more than are welcome too.


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Last edit: by Edou.

Re: Grasshopper basketcase rebuild 11 years 5 months ago #16157

Cheers Martin! Yeah, it came out much better than I'd intended!
It's funny your nephew was more interested in Xbox, kids usually drop everything when they see a fast RC zooming about! Or maybe that's just me (& Forbes D.O. employees!).

Cheers Jonny! There was no plea here, strangely enough I hadn't even thought of asking on here(?!). I might be after that 380 in a few months time if you still have it though - if/when the niece gets the hang of it, I'm sure she'll be after a bit more speed! (It is truly dog-slow at the minute, but I think it needs to be for the moment).

Cheers to you also Edou, like I said I hadn't even thought of asking on here...
If you want the Hornet bits, you're welcome to them if you think they'll turn up!
I haven't looked inside the dampers yet as I haven't had time, but they work ok so they should be alright. There's also the 2x plastic ring things that slip over the back axle & their associated metal "cups", the 2x plastic extension/rear body mount pieces, one of which has a broken body post (I was going to cut both off & replace with screw-in metal ones if I had time), & I think I've got 2 sets of 2x front "damper" blocks (The small round bits with O-rings in them). PM me your postal address to remind me...

As for your bent shaft (Ooer), what I normally do is use my lathe chuck, but a drill chuck should also work - tighten the chuck on the straight bityour shaft (Missus) until the shaft will only just slide in/out of it, then slide the shaft into the chuck until it just starts to "bind", this will be where the bend is.
Now, I usually use the cross slide on the lathe to do the bending bit, but if you can find a piece of close-fitting tube to slide over the shaft, use that, right up to the chuck or as close to the bend as you can get it (Or use pliers, but careful you don't mark the shaft). Tweak the shaft a bit at a time, & rotate the chuck with each tweak to make sure it's getting straighter & you're not over-bending it. The tube should ensure the shaft bends in the right place - the "bent" bit will have work-hardened, so when you tweak it, it will want to bend in a softer un-bent portion (& you'll end up with progressively more bends...).
You could actually do this on your posh new pillar drill, that way you could spin it up to see if the shaft is "running true" in it.
"Straight by eye" is good enough (The eye can pick up discrepancies less than 0.1mm!) as the O-rings & bushes in the dampers have enough give/clearance to pass slight kinks.
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Re: Grasshopper basketcase rebuild 11 years 5 months ago #16174

Oh jeeze... I typed in cleaner not fluid.. I was thinking about cleaning and typed that.. Brain fart!! :lol:

Yea.. I know the money thing.. Currently I have like $15 bucks in this.. Need to keep it down as low as possible as well.. Yea a bashing buddy would be great.. I guess that's why I'm getting my nephew involved.. :lol:

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