

Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4853

Spent about 90 minutes masking the "proper" shell, then put a bit of white gloss on to "seal" the masking ... & I'm pretty sure I've ruined it & will have to strip it & start again - it was meant to be a light coat, but it's run like mad, and it's caused the "permanent" marker to spread as well.

I know a bad workman blames his tools, and white is difficult anyway - but this variety seems to be mostly solvent with very little paint in it - so I've binned it & will get another variety if I do have to do it again.

I've got two cans of Jazz Blue, so I might as well spray that too - I'm 95% sure it's a waste of time though :cry:


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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4854

Well, that's ruined it - it started raining while I was spraying the first coat of blue - it looks like it's suffering bubonic plague :cry:

Oh well, I'll leave it for a bit, strip off all the new paint & try again in April :S

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4855

So even the experts can face adversity... that blows big time. :(
Brave attempt though - same circumstances that have kept me from spraying the bodies I still need to do. :unsure:

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4861

Thanks for the sympathy ... I just peeled the masking off & it's very obvious the only way is to start again ... I do blame the white paint I used for some of the problems - but it's mostly down to me really pushing my luck on the weather front :(

Buboes caused by the rain:

Bloom caused by cold and/or humidity:

Permanent marker bleed - I may have been a bit optimistic using it, but the high solvent level in the white paint must take some of the blame:

Blue paint hasn't adhered to the white - and the white hasn't adhered to the primer either:

All in all, I think we can safely say I crashed & burned on this one :cry:

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4871

Let's hope spring starts early so this can be set straight... ;)

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4883


Thats sutch a shame as you where doin so well.
Roll on 2012 an lets start getting the better weather back.

All the best mate,

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4884

i spray in the kitchen if its small parts or i spray outside if its not raining or windy then bring them straight inside to cure between coats. then its in the bedroom to cure completely

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4913

Fake engines seem to be popular ATM, so I thought I'd have a go at making my own in styrene:

Backplate / rear "half" of blower housing (2mm styrene sheet):

Front "half" of blower housing (2mm styrene sheet, template for the hole was a 10p coin):

Pulleys (2mm styrene sheet, template for outers was a 5p coin):

Blower pulley spacer (short length of 11/16ths tube):

Block (box made from 2mm + 3mm styrene sheet, & filler :whistle: ) + sump (two layers of 3mm sheet):

Head cowls (boxes made from 2mm + 3mm sheet & filler) /spacers (3mm sheet) :

Carb (three layers of 3mm sheet), inlet manifolds (4mm tube with wire inside, heated & bent to shape) & exhaust headers (4mm tube):

So far it all fits in the rear cage without any extra means of support being necessary :)
... but to stop any possibility of rattling/fretting I'll use a couple of P-clips around the rear cage.

I'm planning on making an air cleaner & distributor; fan belt & plug leads will follow after painting, exhausts will be short lengths of slash cut 5mm tube that slip on once the "engine" is in place.

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4915

i spray in the kitchen if its small parts or i spray outside if its not raining or windy then bring them straight inside to cure between coats. then its in the bedroom to cure completely

Can't stand the paint fumes myself, so I have to spray outside ... even if the solvents weren't a migriane trigger for me, I couldn't stand the whining about the dust that spraying inside causes :whistle:

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Re: (Mostly) Mk.1 Sand Scorcher 12 years 5 months ago #4916

i spray in the kitchen if its small parts or i spray outside if its not raining or windy then bring them straight inside to cure between coats. then its in the bedroom to cure completely

Can't stand the paint fumes myself, so I have to spray outside ... even if the solvents weren't a migriane trigger for me, I couldn't stand the whining about the dust that spraying inside causes :whistle:

ive built a little spray booth which is ok for small parts. windows open and a BIG desk fan soon clears the fumes

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