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Re: Tamiya Dyna Blaster 11 years 7 months ago #14469

Hi guys!

Thanks for your spirited sympathy and help! I`m sorry if my statement sound offensiv.
But it is the truth that I bought it for the price some years ago.
I only want to sell it without a dramatic loss guys.
I`m not a rich man, I worked and saved hard for the Blaster....


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Last edit: by rainer222.

Re: Tamiya Dyna Blaster 11 years 7 months ago #14503

:huh: Rainer,
I am not an expert but I have more than 150 differents models. Someones are very rare because they are protos ore the models wich served for the ads in France like my clio 1/4th MRC, my 1/2th karting ore an old traxxas. They are all of three in mint condition and I didn't payed so expensive.
But you have the chance to have this model. Keep it under your bed... :lol:

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Re: Tamiya Dyna Blaster 11 years 7 months ago #14638


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Re: Tamiya Dyna Blaster 11 years 7 months ago #14639


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