

Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16046

Cillit Bang is acid based ... No hypochlorite (Bleach) in it...

You know how much I hate to disagree with you, but the "Avec Javel" ("with bleach") on the label would tend to sugeest this is a different formulation :whistle: ;)

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Last edit: by Jonny Retro.

Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16067

I usually use oven cleaner to remove paint on all my plastics... :cry:
I don't leave them long time

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16086

That's fine Jonny, I'd never really paid much attention to what was in that particular version, it doesn't work as well so I usually get the other stuff that make your shower scale fizz! (Which says "Don't mix with bleach or other household cleaners" on it)


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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16088

Right, just had a look on the manufacturer's "What's in it" site -
1st thing, they say it's not made any more(?!)

There's (Or was) lots of different versions.
The "Lime & Grime" one I get has sulphamic acid (Do they mean sulphuric?) & phosphoric acid (As in Coke, alloy wheel cleaner etc), & must not be mixed with bleach.

The "with bleach" version has sodium hydroxide (Caustic), sodium hypochlorite (Bleach), sodium carbonate (Can't remember what that is, sounds limey though) & some alkyl type stuff I've never heard of in it. The caustic & hypo are your main concerns as far as putting it on ABS (Or in your eyes, or drinking) goes.

Of course, whilst we're all worried about what to dip our plastics in that won't hurt them, we seem to have forgotten that most plastics really don't like ultraviolet light, eg sunlight.
With the advent of low-energy lighting (LED) which has a higher UV output, could we be seeing more vintage models "disintegrating" in say 10 years time?

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16094

Let's hope not. Can't be worse than putting it on a spot in the sun... :S
Sodium carbonate is "regular" cleaning soda (close to baking soda) I think. Google says washing soda.

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16099

Mmm, that'll be slightly caustic as well then.
I think if it were me, I wouldn't want "avec javel" anywhere near my toy cars.
I wouldn't mind betting it would make a fairly good ally etchant though Edou, thinking about it, the acid version might be better for that too

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16118

:silly: :blink:
thanks chemist guy for the advice.
Finally we use daily "poisons"!!! :S

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16119

No chemist, I just know what I need to know for my job (That & remembering what makes me poorly if I drink it!)

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16126

Pretty sure the javel stuff'll do a nice job deanodising the colour of some alloy parts...
Slower but also less invasive than using caustic soda.

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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 5 months ago #16152

I would've thought drain cleaner (Caustic soda crystals) would be cheaper than Cillit?
Have you tried diluting it more to slow the reaction down a bit? - the pH will still be the same (About 11), but there would be fewer angry caustic molecules floating about in your given volume of liquid, to be munching on the anodising (No idea, just a suggestion)

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