

58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 3 weeks ago #21165

Ok, hitting the gas and blocking is defenitive not a good idea. The cables gonna get very fast hot but yeah, now with the 16T i think it's much better than before. I've done an indoor test. We have a plant pot here and i could move it with the 23T but now i can push it through the room :)
So now i need better weather, a bigger battery and also a better recharger. My one is a 1A. I saw a 4A from Carson ( which can be used at 12V in car and also on 230V in indoor. What do you think? Is it a "could buy" or "don't buy!"?

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 3 weeks ago #21166

dont, and if you mean with bigger battery more amps like 5000 dont forget the longer runtime will make the motor and such hot so think to take a brake (or buy a small infrared temperatur measure thing).

better buy a battery with less mAh better with more umph (better discharge capacity).

for charger I would rather take the LRP or an Imax B6 (but such said me myself am still looking for a decent NiMh charger :whistle: )

pushing the pot around sounds ok for me ;) with blocking I meant just for a second not untill its cooked B)

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 3 weeks ago #21167

+1 on the LRP charger, that's the one I had in mind as the best choice as well. :y:
Got the Pulsar myself but that needs an external power supply and Lipo balancer...

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 3 weeks ago #21168

The feature to use a 12V of a car is a nice one but ok, i'll use LRP. Carson is very cheap. The 2,4ghz remote is ok but feeling not very nice.
Maybe i'll buy a second one on the 12V to load battery anywhere.

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 3 weeks ago #21169

Ladegerät Quadra Charger Pro 3 ... DC Eingang (11-15V) für problemlosen Einsatz mit der Autobatterie.


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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 3 weeks ago #21183

Edou, i need the 12V for in-car but it has also this. Nice :y:

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 2 weeks ago #21315

'Cause i want to use the FRP also for touring car, i want to buy a used ta02 car, the Alfa Romeo.
But i want to build up a ta01 touring car with it and now i have to know where exactly the diffcerence is.

- The tube is shorter
- rear gearbox is longer
- rear arms have different layout

I saw that the front arms are also longer but it is quite weird.
Here is a good info on TC: www.tamiyaclub....83&id=2193

So what do i have to get to use the Alfa as ta01 car?
- Rear arms
- front arms
- ta01 gearbox is already there from the MR

Anything else?

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 2 weeks ago #21317

the front and rear gearboxes of the TA01/02/DF01 are all the same size.

tubs are 2 versions TA01 is the longer one

then there is the collection of different F&R arms.

I might have several short/street arms lying around for TA01/02

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 2 weeks ago #21318

Ah i see. It's not the gearbox, it's just the rear arm which is reaching out to the back instead beeing linear to the mounting.
Would be nice if you can sell me the parts which i need after buying the car (hope the price won't be to high). I don't want to use the alloy parts for the arms.

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58087 Manta Ray Resto from 1990 11 years 2 weeks ago #21320

You'll need to replace the main drive shaft for that of a TA01 as well. ;)

Edit - this is a good page too :


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