

CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2894

just thought i would let you know my other toys.......oops i mean interests.
my big baby, suzuki 1100 nitrous drag/street bike,

my rc boat,

and my real baby, maximuss minipuss, the feline gladiator......

i also have an rc hovercraft but my camera shutter speed wont go slow enough to catch it in action lol

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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2896

Nice bike, nice tuxedo cat :)

This is Oscar, the eighth cat I've shared my house with - he's a 6.5kg (14.3 lb), 6 & a 1/2 year old Maine Coon crossed with who knows what, he was abandoned in a local park as a kitten along with 3 siblings (one of which died), rehomed, but then put up for adoption again as he started to be really aggressive with other cats, he was in a cage for a year before he came here, 6 months ago.

I suspect he won't live to a particularly old age, he has a very large territory, including crossing quite a busy, fast road - but he is a different cat from when he first arrived - he use to be very timid, hiding for hours at the slightest strange noise, now he's very vocal (including the typical Maine Coon chirruping), and walks around with his tail bushed up and held high.

Some cats catch mice, some catch birds ... Oscar's prey tends to be a little larger...

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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2897

I've also had quite a few bikes, most stayed 100% stock & are therefore quite dull, this is the last bike I had, a 1982 Honda CX500B, I gave the tail end a bit of a lift, fitted two large headlamps on homemade brackets (more like scaffolding, but car drivers did tend to think very hard about pulling out in front of me with all that ironmongery at face level :D ), better shocks on the back & progressive springs on the front, and a brighter than average paint job ...

Cat in the photo is my former mog, she was great up to 16 years old, but she suffered some brain damage & lost three teeth after being kicked in the face by a burglar, and had absence seizures were she didn't know where she was for a while - one time she must have thought she was at a former house & ambled out into the road :(

This was another bike I filled with (a 1981 Honda CB400NC - last of the Superdreams) - I spent far too much on it, and sold it for far too little, but TBH it was a little too singleminded with the rearsets & state of tune - it was fine flat out through twisty bends, anywhere else or slower & it was massively uncomfortable ...


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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2898

max's bike

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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2909

Love the cats and bikes! That boat looks brutal! :woohoo:

Poor little Phumper though. ;)
And what a terrible story of Jonny's cat being kicked by that @#! burglar! :angry: :evil:

The cat that I have was born on Gran Canaria. Found at a hotel when they trimmed the bushes.
Nowadays he's just heavy and lazy. Siesta all day.
He'd never hunt anything - just let me know when to bring food. :lol:

He's got a wild temper though! You won't believe... he can go loco!

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Last edit: by Edou.

Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2925

Edou, your cat looks hung over ... too much Sangria the night before ? ;)

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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2926

There was too much Rioja in it I think... :lol:
Just beware for when he wakes up!


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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2927

our Max using the force lol

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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2929

Jasper levitating:


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Re: CATS, and boats and bikes and cars 12 years 8 months ago #2931

Your cats have magic powers! Great pics. :)
Do you think Sheilo's aware I'm taking his picture?

A little anecdote...
On his Spanish passport it says "feminin" because the vet decided it was a girl.
That's why I called "her" Sheila.
But after a while that turned out to be the wrong conclusion...
So a new name was found - Sheilo! Spanish is easy! :lol:

I worked at the hotel I found him at for a while.
He moved to the Netherlands at about six months.
I know his mommy and his daddy - a sweet little hotel cat and a fierce gigantic street fighter.
Very recognizable in his character...

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Last edit: by Edou.
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